
This website is a personal blog/portfolio of all the Projects I have worked on and focuses primarily on my contributions to each project. For information about past work experience and certifications, refer to my LinkedIn. For any information not covered here or in my LinkedIn, please email me at

  • Drone Escort Robotics Project

    A fourth-year engineering project where I created a program that would allow one drone to escort another based on tracking data.
  • UBC Capstone

    A summary of my fourth-year capstone project and my significant contributions.
  • Damage Evolution in Material Continuum Dynamics

    A Lesson plan style Essay that I wrote for MECH 460.
  • Stress Relaxation in 3D Printing Materials

    A third-year engineering project testing the performance of different 3D printing materials for use in a torsional spring.
  • Covid Risk Reduction in Restaurants

    A third-year engineering project where I designed a solution to reduce the spread of covid at a restaurant table.
  • Solar Panel Mounting on Light Poles

    A third-year engineering project where I designed an actuation mechanism and mounting system to mount a solar panel onto a light pole.
  • Functional Gear Cookies

    Custom cookie cutters that make functional gears.
  • CVT Rover Project

    A second-year engineering project where I designed a CVT transmission for our rover project.
  • WiFi Connected Thermostat

    A personal project where I designed a thermostat that pulls temperature data from a Google calendar to control the heater in my room automatically.
  • Solar Tracker V2

    A personal project where I designed a 2-DOF parallel solar tracking system that uses two wire spools to target any angle.
  • Solar Tracker V1

    A first-year engineering project where I programmed a closed-loop solar tracker based on GPS time and position.
  • Wheel Chair Cup Holder

    A first-year engineering project where I designed a cupholder for use on a wheelchair.
  • Pulse Jet Alternative Fuels

    A Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair project comparing the performance of different fuels in a pulse jet.
  • Electrolysis HHO Generator

    A personal project in high school where I built an electrolysis machine to generate HHO gas.